Monday, December 16, 2013


Yeah... finally classes are over and I am nearly really for Christmas so I am sneaking in a spot of scrapbooking...

I am so behind in my photos again... so open my container of photos and I am starting from the front and working my way through.

I pulled these photos out of a fancy dress party we went to in May.... then checked out the monthly sketches and decided on the sketch at Scrapmuch

as the main page of these photos
The theme of the party was "Come as some one famous"..... so my husband and daughter went off to the costume shop and came home with the "Po" costume for my husband to wear!

This photo is of Jeff and mates in their chosen outfits.

I also did a "divided page" to complete the story


We had a great night


  1. Wow, what great take on the sketch! Looks like a fun night! Thanks for joining us at ScrapMuch?.

  2. What a great layout. I love your take on the sketch and that title is so eye-catching. Thanks for sharing with us at ScrapMuch?
