Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Ronald MacDonald came to visit us at the Stampin Up convention in Brisbane (May 2013)... so it was photo time for us....

I used the sketch from My scraps&more sketches #60


We had lots of fun having this photo taken....

Monday, December 30, 2013


When at convention, we (Jo & i) wagged for a bit ...... we popped around the corner from the convention centre to this amazing Chocolate, chocolate & more chocolate place.

For this lay out I used the week 3 Sketch over at Scrapmuch


The hot chocolate was soooo very yummy..... it came on top of a wee tea-light candle and then there was the cake... to die for

Damm shame I couldn't get back there... there was so many choices.

Sunday, December 29, 2013


It is great to get back to some scrapbooking... and I am on a bit of a roll. 

I am so behind in my photos... I am working my way through my box of already printed photos and this one is from back in May.

I have used the sketch from My scraps&more sketches

This photo is of some of Team Delinkquent at the Stampin Up Convention in Brisbane .... May 2013... it was a celebration of 25 years of Stampin Up... so an amazing convention to attend.

Delys our team leader.... decided Delinkquent was an appropriate name for our group of Stampin Up demonstrators as we are often delinquents.... but we have fun doing it....

Wii FUN!

Santa brought me a Instax Instant Camera for Christmas... and in my favourite colour blue....

Today dawned very wet and brought all our plans for the days to a major "stop"... so what to do... we have all the kids and their respective partners staying... so it was decided a competition on the Wii was in order.

I decided it was time to try out my new camera....  then while they continued to battle I scrapped up this page and used the sketch from My scraps & more sketches #59 and the "Just add the Date Challenge at JAI


 Lots of fun was had by all... and they were all impressed with the page I did.

Monday, December 16, 2013


Yeah... finally classes are over and I am nearly really for Christmas so I am sneaking in a spot of scrapbooking...

I am so behind in my photos again... so open my container of photos and I am starting from the front and working my way through.

I pulled these photos out of a fancy dress party we went to in May.... then checked out the monthly sketches and decided on the sketch at Scrapmuch

as the main page of these photos
The theme of the party was "Come as some one famous"..... so my husband and daughter went off to the costume shop and came home with the "Po" costume for my husband to wear!

This photo is of Jeff and mates in their chosen outfits.

I also did a "divided page" to complete the story


We had a great night